Employee safety is our number one priority at Arramara Teoranta. We believe safety is everyone’s business, whether they are our co-workers, contractors or guests. This practice has been embraced by people throughout Arramara and has been expressed in a number of constructive ways.
For example, our people are mandated to report any situations where safety is called into question. We conduct a prompt investigation after receiving reports and then take appropriate corrective action. When our people see that Arramara addresses safety issues in a timely and efficient manner and even enlists third-party experts to help us develop our long-term safety strategies, they know we have their best interests at heart.
“A significant part of our Health and Safety (H&S) Program involves our annual safety audits conducted by a qualified, third-party H&S Inspector. Additionally, we get ahead of problems by actively listening to what our people have to say,” said Maura Flaherty, Quality and Safety Manager at Arramara. “Next, we prepare strategies and action plans based on this information, with budgets and deadlines to ensure they’re implemented.”
In the recent past, we have introduced the following H&S initiatives:
- Installing emergency egress platforms
- Adding additional eye wash stations
- Enhancing our personal protection equipment
- Improving safety awareness, including:
– Instituting safety training – Level 5 FETAC Accreditation
– Establishing an Employee-driven Safety Committee
– Introducing safety memos to improve communication
– Making safety a priority item on operational meeting agendas
“I’ve seen a genuine sense of collaboration, dialogue and constructive discussion driven by our Employees’ desire to enhance workplace safety at our operation,” Maura added. “The improvements reflect the real gains we’re making in enhancing our safety culture, and we owe all of our safety accomplishments to our Employees – our safety champions.”